Robots instead of operators

Is it possible to replace the operators by robots for outgoing calls? A discussion of this issue is a trend of this year. On our mobile or landline phone call, and we do not hear a living person, and the voice of a robot. It would seem that the benefit is obvious. The robot does not have to pay a salary and it will never have a “human factor”. But it’s not that simple.

Let’s analyze the main tasks of the robot.

The robot should remind you to register for the event. This is a short reminder message that does not require a response. If the event is, for example, a lecture, the message can be recorded by the speaker’s voice. It’s cool to use for any seminars, webinars, workshops and even taxi services to notify the arrival of the machine. Processing of one contact robot-about 1.5 UAH with VAT, and the operator-2.6 UAH. The duration of the message is the same-about 40 seconds.

The robot learns impressions about the service. It is necessary for Telecom, banks, online stores and delivery services. The robot asks a question and asks to evaluate the quality of service, usually on a scale of 1 to 5, where 5-excellent, 1-terrible. In this case, processing of one contact by the robot will cost from 3.6 UAH with VAT, and by the operator-from 8.9 UAH with VAT.

When performing this task, there are incidents. For example, a customer calls the ISP to complain, his request has not yet been fulfilled, but the system is already calling to ask if the customer is satisfied. And the client, of course, is dissatisfied, he has no Internet, he is waiting for the master. Therefore, it is important to check the logic of dialing, so as not to disturb customers who have not yet received the service.

The robot conducts a survey. Answers can be both simple (you answer by pressing the right button) and open so that a person can answer expanded.

This is the coolest, but not an easy option. Robots have difficulty recognizing speech. This requires additional modules, but the recognition of the Ukrainian language in them at a very low level. Russian recognition is better, but it has a lot of mistakes. Because of this, such a system as a whole costs more than the work of operators. At least 40%.

In each of these ways, it is possible to provide switching of the system to the live person. To do this, the robot must specify the communication button with the operator in the message.

Robot sells. This is not yet the clear function of the robot. After all, sales are not always coping call center operators. How robots can be tuned to this wave is an open question. This can reduce customer satisfaction, and thus CSI. Although water delivery in Ukraine uses this method of ordering.

Let’s move on to statistics. The results are highly dependent on the goals and objectives of the project. But on average, the difference in successfully closed cards between the robot and the operator is 15-20% (in favor of the operators).

In this case, the robot can switch to the client’s language. Given the imperfection of speech recognition, the choice of language is best left to the client. Then at the beginning of the conversation, he just presses the button 1 or 2 to choose between Russian and Ukrainian.

Questions of demographic samples and consumers ‘ readiness for them remain unexplored. But these are the topics of other reviews.

To sum up, we can see that there is an obvious plusa in attracting robots. This is the low cost of their work in some tasks. At the same time,” live” operators are still more efficient in other areas. Therefore, whether or not to use the robot and how – it is necessary to solve each problem separately.